About Septo Bio

Septo is dedicated to the design and supply of biological waste water treatment in combination with membrane filtration. A so-called Membrane Bioreactor, or MBR.

With an MBR, wastewater can almost 100% efficiently be purified, resulting in clear and clean water, dischargeable into surface water or sewer.Septo has acquired experience in supplying to food, dairy firms, refineries and tank cleaning companies.


Attractive, profitable and aesthetic.
Septo is the first supplier of industrial membrane bioreactors in The Netherlands.

It all started with successfully purifying complex wastewater with micro organisms by separating them with membranes. Pioneer Septo developed into an acknowledged partner for industry, suppliers and scientific institutes.
Septo’s aims i to deliver technology attractive to work with, contributing to clients’ profit, with a pleasant appearance.


“Climate challenges concerning water in the coming decades are serious. Septo achieved its actual position with an innovative and ambitious approach. I believe with this approach, Septo can contribute in finding solutions to reduce water scarcity. Septo’s part is building water treatment plants, valued as attractive, profitable and aesthetic.”

- Jeroen van den Beld - founder and CEO Septo Bio


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